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Shout-out to Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren from Capalaba State College P&C!

Today, we want to give a big virtual hurray to two incredible people who have been rocking it in our Parents and Citizens (P&C) association: Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren. These amazing ladies have been doing some seriously awesome stuff to make our P&C shine, and we want to show them some love.

Let's take a moment to appreciate just how much Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren have done for our college. We may be a small P&C team, but they have carried a ton of weight on their shoulders and handled it like superheroes. Most recently was the Bunnings BBQ. Organising events is no joke, but these ladies stepped up and knocked it out of the park. Despite having limited resources and manpower, they rallied the troops and made it a day to remember for our college community and raised some much needed funds.

They didn't just coordinate volunteers and handle logistics. Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren have been the behind-the-scenes powerhouses that keep our P&C running smoothly day in and day out. They handle all the paperwork, keep everyone in the loop, and make sure our P&C is a friendly and supportive place for everyone involved.

Let's face it, we often take their hard work for granted. But not today! Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren, we want you to know that we see you, and we appreciate you. You have put your heart and soul into making our P&C amazing, and we couldn't be more grateful.

So, here's to Secretary Cassie and Assistant Secretary Lauren—our P&C rockstars! The next time you spot them, give them a fist bump, a big smile, or a heartfelt thank you. They deserve all the props for their incredible dedication and the positive impact they've had on our college. We're beyond lucky to have you on our team. Thank you for being the awesome forces behind our Capalaba State College P&C family.

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Capalaba State College P&C Association
School Road, Capalaba, QLD, 4157
ABN: 1 185 781 460

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17 June 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

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