This Wednesday 17th August is Doughnut Collection Day! Pickup locations on both campuses will be open between 2:00pm-3:30pm for you to collect your orders. After hours pickup is also available if you find yourself unable to get to a pickup point in time- just send us a msg and we’ll see how we can help.
Junior Campus pickup point is at the P&C building between the oval and tennis courts. Senior Campus pickup will be near the MetEast Room, close to the bus stop and front gates (we’ll have signs up to direct you if you’re unsure of where to go). Those families who will be collecting from a PCYC pickup point should have their orders available in these locations by 3:30pm at the very latest.
We still have some boxes available for anyone who might still like to grab a dozen or two – visit to buy yours now. But once they’re gone, that’s it!
We thank you again for your continued support of the P&C’s fundraising efforts.
***All funds raised are channelled directly back into the College by the P&C to help fund improvements to the College and the learning experience for all students.
