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Joining is easy!

Did you know that becoming a member of the P&C is as easy as filling out a form? And the best part is, it doesn't obligate you to attend meetings or volunteer (although we'd love to have you!).

But let's be real, who doesn't want to be in the know? As a P&C member, you'll be the first to hear about all the exciting things happening at Capalaba State College, including events, initiatives, and more.

And guess what? We're completely online, so you can become a member in just a few clicks. Plus, if you sign up before our meeting tomorrow (20th March), your membership form will be tabled for acceptance at the meeting.

So what are you waiting for? Join now at and become a part of the P&C community!

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Capalaba State College P&C Association
School Road, Capalaba, QLD, 4157
ABN: 1 185 781 460

View Capalaba Stage College Website

| Upcoming Events

17 June 2024, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

| P&C on Facebook

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