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Year 6 Graduation Event

On Wednesday 30th of August, a P&C special meeting was called to to address the urgent matter of the Year 6 post-graduation event. Recent actions and occurrences within the Year 6 parent and caregiver cohort had been raised with the P&C Executive due to concerns about escalating tensions within the group and the potential impact on the post-graduation event experience.

Overall 20 people attendant the meeting both in person and online, including current year 6 Student Captains.

The decision was unanimously decided to form a working group under the guideance of the P&C Committee. Calls for Memberships for the working group was made, and 9 nominated and were accepted.

Regular meetings will be help, however date/times of meetings at time of writing are yet to be announced.

To read the full meeting minutes, please review our Minutes Page.

If you would like more information or be part of the working group, please reach oout to

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