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4 Weeks to Go

Good evening families

Results for tonight have now been posted to SwimTopia.

Its been our first season with a brand new set of volunteers who really had no idea what we were doing when we started. The good news is we survived and learnt so much along the way and now only have 4 weeks left of this season.

Tonight we had an enquiry about club meets for next season. Now that we have got the first season under our belt, we will make sure next season we do link in with other clubs for club meets.

Next week it would be great to see our swimmers move from the 12.5m up to the 25m, unless the swimmers have difficulty in swimming 25m they should really be looking to push themselves to the next level and only competing in the 25m and above. It was great to see some of our younger swimmers tonight tackle the longer distant swims. Congratulations to those swimmers for giving it ago. 

Next week Bianca and Leisa will cover Breaststroke and will start to introduce tumble turns to those starting to swim longer distance. 

Mid March the P&C AGM will take place, if you would like to nominate to become part of the Swim Club Sub-Committee for next season please let me know and I can share the link to nominate. We welcome more people to the sub committee to lighten the load on our current volunteers and of course fresh ideas. 

See you all next week. 


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